O Mageii 5
Mageia 5 je GNU/Linux distribucija za veše računalo, objavila ju je Mageia zajednica. Može se instalirati na razne načine, od kojih su Live ili klasični ISO najpopularnije metode.
Live ISO vam dopušta da probate Mageiu bet instalacije. Koristite ova uputstva za stavljanje Live Iso-a na CD, DVD ili USB uređaj. Zatim možete pokrenuti Mageiu 5 direktno sa tih medija, i probati je koristeći jedan od grafičkih korisničkih sučelja poput GNOME ili KDE:
Ako ste zadovoljni Mageia iskustvom, možete je instalirati na vaš tvrdi disk sa Live medija.
Klasični ISO je tradicionalniji za instalaciju Mageie direktno. Pogledajte kompletnu dokumetaciju za ovaj instalacijski program.
Mageia 5 uključuje nekoliko upravitelja radnom površinom uključujući KDE, GNOME, XFCE, Mate i Cinnamon.
There are lots of applications in the official repositories. You can have a look at the Mageia Application Database to get a complete list of packages inside Mageia.
Što je novo?
There's plenty of new goodness in Mageia 5, too much to include here - see the release notes for an extensive exposé.
There is one feature worth mentioning here. It took a lot of effort and time but it was worth it. Mageia 5 supports UEFI, which means it’s now even easier to install it on recent hardware.
To help users configure and use Mageia, and to provide some information about the community and the project, there's a program called MageiaWelcome. It starts automatically when a session opens for the first time in any of the graphical environments.
Mageia u kontekstu
Mageia is both a Community and a Linux Distribution, with Mageia 5 being our fifth release.
Mageiu 5 podržava Mageia.org neprofitna organizacija, koju vodi tijelo prepoznatih i izabranih doprinositelja.
Mageiu 5 radilo je više od 100 ljudi diljem svijeta.
Our work adds to the excellent work of the wider Linux and Free Software community. We aim to blend all the excellent work done by the community, adding the special Mageia ingredients, to bring you the best, most stable, reliable and enjoyable experience we can make for regular users, developers and businesses.
We welcome new contributors to any of the many different teams that go to make up Mageia the Community, and we encourage you to join us.